
Programa Especial Abril

El contestador de Brian d'Abril ens porta moltes novetats discografiques com les de Love of Lesbian o Placebo, croniques de concerts i nous descobriments, com el de Egon Soda:

1. Elbow - The Bones of You (del disc "The Seldom Seen Kid", 2008)
2. Standstill - GM (Del disc "Standstill", 2004)
3. It's Not Not - The time is now, the day is Today (del disc "Bound for the shine", 2007)
4. Egon Soda - Victoria o Nada (del disc "Egon Soda", 2008)
5. De la Rosa - El Milagro (del disc "El espectador", 2008)
6. Lori Meyers - Funcionará (del disc "Cronolánea", 2008)
7. Love of Lesbian - Club de fans de John Boy (del disc "1999", 2009)
8. The Unfinished Sympathy - Continental Drift (del disc "Avida Dollars", 2009)
9. Placebo - Battle for the Sun (del nou disc "Battle for the Sun", 2009)

I aci el programa:

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